Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Archive: FAQ & RFQ

::FAQ & RFQ:: 

Q.) What does RFQ stand for?

A.) Random Fun Questions ;)

Q.) How come Half-Breed werewolves have easiest control over their forms than the other blood lines?

A.) I'd have to explain the genes of all the werewolf breeds in order to answer this question.

~ A pure-breed werewolf is the child of two werewolf parents, which means all the added factors are already in proper balance by the time the werewolf has reached the specified age. Thus it can be compared to growing up with, say, a chronic illness. The person is already accustomed to dealing with it by the time it begins to effect them. 
~ A first-generation werewolf on the opposite hand, is only accustomed to dealing with human tendencies. When the unknown werewolf genetics are inflicted upon them an imbalance is caused in the body and sets the mind to "freak out." Eventually the human intellect, if consciously exercised, will gain control over and stabilize the imbalances.
~ In the case of a half-breed werewolf, both negative and positive genetics are gained. But there is a reason why they can control their forms better than the other breeds. Like the pure-breed werewolves, the half-breed is born with the werewolf genetics already in their bodies and have balance by the time it comes of age to take possession of the two forms.
However, there is also another element; the human intellect which eventually gains the first-generation werewolf it's control, is already highly developed in the half-breed on account of the non-werewolf parent. 

Q.) In the case of Half-Breeds and Pure-Breeds, at which age are werewolves able to change form?

A.) At the very earliest ten (10) or twelve (12) years of age. It is nearly impossible for a child under ten to take on the werewolf form because a young body is in a constant state of development and does not yet produce the chemicals necessary to bring on the change.

Q.) What exactly is the werewolf form?

A.) The werewolf form is a change in the structure of molecules within an organism brought on by actively-characterized unstable atoms (AUA/CUA) which results in physical rearrangement. 

Q.) What is AUA/CUA?

A.) The abbreviation of a characterized unstable atom which has been activated by certain conditions. The AUA/CUA is a undiscovered atom in the scientific world which permits one thing to become another if certain conditions exist. When activated by a combination of "AUA grouping" and various biological chemicals or a variation in the lunar gravitational pull, the AUA causes a sudden change in the formation of other atoms within contact thus stimulating a chain reaction.

Q.) How are werewolf genetics transmitted from one being to the next?

A.) Werewolves are only contagious on the night of the full moon because only then are all the special conditions of active CUA present. The genetics are most commonly transmitted through werewolf saliva fusing itself to human blood cells. Though it is speculated that werewolf blood also carries the CUA genetics responsible for bringing on the change. 

Q.) What causes a werewolf to loose self-control and go mad?

A.) It can be one of many things or a combination. The werewolf senses can easily overwhelm the human mind as they gain added sight, scent, taste, and feeling capabilities. But a greater adversary than overwhelmed senses is instinct; the imbalance of chemicals in the body of a newly shifted werewolf creates a new set of instincts which causes the werewolf to react differently to the world around it; often vicious and unpredictable.

Q.) What would it take to kill a werewolf and how fast do they heal?

A.) Well, the silver bullet theory certainly doesn't apply here ;) My version of werewolves are quite mortal, though made of more durable stuff than most creatures. For example, if you intended to shoot one of these werewolves then any bullet would do the trick, but like a large bear it would take quite a few shots to bring 'em down. As far as healing is concerned, with the right herbs a werewolf can recover very quickly, especially since their bodies are built to take heavy bashing and still be able to survive and recover. 

Q.) How do I join the pack?

A.) Every so often Alpha Kratos opens a character auction thread. If you bid on and win a character, you can post in the members thread and join the role play! Then you just have to introduce your character to the rest of us and ta-da, part of the pack!

...Well, you'd technically be apart of the pack, however your character will still need to get a welcome from Kratos, Zeit, and Kale through role play.

Q.) What are Calagathorm Werewolf pack members entitled to as members?

A.) Many things: A character reference drawn by me, personally messaged role play updates, a great role play with awesome role players, and personal art added to our gallery.. Plus there are some other random benefits. ;)

Note: You have to post at least once in one of the role plays to start getting role play updates.

Q.) What are the stars above certain member's forms on the Werewolf Member Thread all about?

A.) Those stars are called "Activity Stars" or "A-stars". They are awarded to active members at random times during the role play. Each star is unique for the time period at which they are awarded, and stars missed for inactivity won't be awarded again. The only exceptions for inactive members to receive the A-star specific to that time of activity are as follows: 

- If a member becomes active shortly after a star is awarded and they read up on all that they have missed or someone brings them up to date. 
- A member who was active but went inactive for a short period of time during which a star was awarded and returned to activity shortly thereafter. 

In both instances these members would be allowed to use an A-star, but A-stars previously awarded will not be made available to other members after the time in which they are given. The main purpose of the A-stars is to mark active characters/members from the inactive, so everything on the Member's Thread stays up-to-date.

Q.) I own multiple werewolf characters, but I don't want to role play one of them anymore. What should I do? 

A.) We have had a few characters who are already established as pack members be withdrawn from the role plays. This happens when the role player's interest in that particular character wanes, so its understandable. All you need to do is inform me (Alpha Kratos - #10472) of the decision, place the "withdrawn" (see Member's Thread) picture on the top of that character's form on the Member's Thread, and withdraw that character from the RP (preferably through convincing role play interaction.)

At any point, if you wish to use your character in the role plays again after he/she has been withdrawn, you will simply need to remove the "withdrawn" picture from the character's member form and introduce him/her to the plot.
Note: A character that is withdrawn will not be eligible to receive any A-star awarded during that period of inactivity.

Q.) Will Kratos ever choose a mate? 

A.) You mean wife, right? It is not in my plans, but I cannot predict what Kratos does; he does what he wants and will not request any permission from me. I did not leave such a position open originally because of a past experience, (involving random people joining just for the position and making their characters commit suicide when they did not receive it.)

Q.) How tall is Kratos exactly?

A.) 7ft in human form, likely around 8'5" or 9ft when standing up in werewolf form. Though in some situations, Kratos has been known to manipulate the terrain and his stance to make himself appear larger.

If you find yourself wondering about something concerning my version of werewolves which has not been answered here, please post or message me!

Note:: All the above was written on a science-fictional basis and is not founded upon any scientific facts or formulas. Any relationship discovered of names, initials, or abbreviations thus mentioned are purely coincidental. xD

Archive: Guide & Gallery

Welcome one and all to the Calagathorm Werewolf Pack Role Play Guide and Gallery!

Here you will find a bit of information and art concerning a group of role play characters played by various Mweorians whom participate in a private URPC (ultra role play chain) which I started a few years back. 

The three main purposes of this thread are as follows: 

1.) To answer the Frequently Asked Questions I have received concerning my version of werewolves.

2.) To be a role player's guide for all current and future members. (Territory maps, skeletal details, plot positions, place names and member appreciation, ect.))

3.) To be a gallery for any art that the Calagathorm members or I might create simply for the sake of enjoyment ;D (I know I've wanted to draw a few pictures of the werewolves aside from references.)

Though mainly for the benefit of our members, this thread is open to anyone for comments or questions. However, unless it is specified under the art piece that critiques are welcome, please refrain from addressing any flaws you might detect. 

::Territory Maps and Details:: 


(Click pictures for larger references)

The pack's name, Calagathorm, was created by Kratos using the language his father's pack invented. The meaning of the name is "Peace on the High Mountains".
The meaning of the name "Svalnaglas" is "Fangs under Earth's Moon."
Though Kratos never met the pack of his father, the language was taught to him and he was given a name by which those whom spoke it could identify him.

The Calagathorm pack's territory covers the mountain range behind Zeit's ranch and continues through the farmland and even the town of Reknab Bend. (Though only a small area of the Phantom Mountain range has been explored thus far.)

~Zeit's Ranch.
The Chandler home for at least two generations, inherited by Zeit Chandler from her father. Along with property of the ranch, Zeit also legally owns several fields in the area and the Phantom Mountain Range.
Because of the many farmhands whom were dismissed on account of the presence of the pack, Zeit requires that all pack members whom wish to stay on the land, as a rule, must work to maintain the conditions of the ranch. Kratos enforces this rule.

~The New Dens.
After a visit from his mother and adoptive brother, Kratos was given a large amount of money from his father. He used this gift to construct 'secondary homes' for the pack, as they were growing too numerous for Zeit's six-room cottage. The two houses were built on Phantom Mountain just up the road from Zeit's Ranch, along with a large 'pit' for training/containing werewolves on the night of the full moon.

~Reknab Bend.
Reknab Bend, also called "Banker Bend" by some whom have noticed the backwards spelling of the name, is a small town with a estimated population of 2,000 or less. The community mostly consists of farmers and ranchers and the town's closest neighbor is a large city within a three or four hour drive away.
Because of the small inhabitants of the town it is very unlikely that any visitors it receives will be able to pass through without hearing the many rumors of "unnatural wolves" in the area.
Four Calagathorm pack members have a known background in Reknab Bend; Toby Buttermilk, Sabrina Sabres, Zeit Chandler, and HawkThorne.

::Current Plot Positions:: 
Because a URPC is a large role play with many members, we can keep several role plays active at once including main plots, side plots, Founder-specific plots, and plots started by our members to delve into the background/personality of individual characters.
But because there are so many people participating, it is sometimes necessary to keep obvious track of the individual positions of each character so no one gets left behind.

~(This feature is updated ever-so-often.)~

~Current Main Plot Positions~
((Updated 1/5/15))

~Current Founder Plot Positions~
((Updated 00/00/00))

~Current Side Plot Positions~
((Updated 00/00/00))

~Current Member's Plot Positions~
((Updated 00/00/00))

Written plot updates can often be requested from more active members within a role play using Out-of-Character chat or by messaging one of the Founders/Alpha Kratos (#10472)

::Werewolf Anatomy:: 


(Click pictures for larger references)

A werewolf's anatomy is partially between that of a human and that of a wolf, with similarities of both and unique variations.

A werewolf only has two forms, which are classified as separate only because of their vast differences in appearance. Those are; the form classified as "human," and the form classified as "werewolf."
When shifting between the two there is not a "animal" form; the werewolf never appears to be an ordinary wolf.
However the natural human eye and instinct can easily be deceived; for instance a werewolf disguising itself as a regular wolf by mimicking posture or body-language, depending on the situation and individual, would fool the glimpse of any onlooker.
However, if one knows what they're looking at, a person is not so easily tricked. Even in human form a werewolf has certain visual traits which are not usually found in regular people; for example odd hues in the eyes and extreme coarseness in hair. 

The use of the following is strictly reserved.

Created by; Alpha Kratos #10472
Name of art piece; "Seeking Out the Pack" 
Depicting; Ulric Shragron staring out over Zeit's Ranch. Phantom Mountain can be seen in the background, along with Dead-Mans Arch (the large stone at the mountains peak.) 
Open for Critiques; Not currently. 

Created by; Alpha Kratos #10472
Name of art piece; "The Rancher's Daughter" 
Depicting; Ziet Chandler riding one of her horses as they pull a young cow from a mud hole.
Artist's Comments; The idea of a werewolf rancher is a very intriguing idea, and I really admire the character HourGlass has created in that role. I have assumed that Zeit's herds are accustomed to the smell of werewolves, and likely trained to perform alongside them. For this reason I've wanted to draw Zeit mounted on one of her horses for a long time, but I can't draw horses very well - let alone someone mounted on one. I admit that the proportions of this horse were practically traced from a photo in an attempt to learn horses better, but the cow and all details were configured by me. 
Open for Critiques; Sure, I would appreciate some pointers with this piece, especially concerning horses and terrain.

Created by; Alpha Kratos #10472
Name of art piece; "Contemplating in the Orchard" 
Depicting; Kratos in the Apple Orchard on Ziet's Ranch as described in the role play "Secrets in the Orchard". The barn can somewhat be seen in the background along with part of the mountain range attached to Phantom Mountain.
Artist's Comments; I had this scene in my head as I was writing a reply for the role play, though when I decided to draw a picture depicting Kratos, I actually wanted to show him standing beside a member of the pack as a reference to his height. But that didn't end up happening. 
I'm not exactly pleased with the way the background came out on this one, likely because I was rushing and made some noticeable errors. Mainly though I'm bugged by the distance and size accuracy of objects in the background.
Open for Critiques; If you are have some experience as a sketch artist, have a shot, I'd love to hear it! :) 

Created by; Alpha Kratos #10472
Name of art piece; "Alpha Affronted" 
Depicting; Logan explaining to Ulric her frustrations with the pack, meanwhile Kratos feels affronted. Also depicted in this picture are Theo and Chime whom can be seen in the background. This picture was drawn to illustrate a scene in the role play "Secrets in the Orchard". Parts of the Phantom mountain range, along with the Training Ditch in the clearing can also be seen in this picture.
Artist's Comments; Many aspects of this picture did not turn out as I would have liked, and I'm not exactly sure of the accuracy of it to the role play. The exact dimensions of the Training Ditch are still in question, thus making correct depiction of the area difficult. Distance was also a struggle for me in this piece. 
However, I believe the general atmosphere of the scene was properly portrayed; giving the area the deep-forested feel that I intended while hinting at the sunlit clearing where the werewolves are gathered. The emotions of the characters also appear to be accurate, and Deseree was pleased with the depiction of her character Logan, so I am content.
Open for Critiques; Not currently.
Created by; Chime #71239
Name of art piece; "Make Believe Royalty" 
Depicting; Chime, locked in her room, plays dress up. Finding string, she fashions herself a necklace, and uses her bedsheets as a dress. Anything is possible with imagination! And yes, she would die if anyone saw her.
Open for Critiques; Sure!
Created by; Alpha Kratos #10472
Name of art piece; "Coming to Stand" 
Depicting;All the Calagathorm Werewolf Pack members who were active on January 23rd 2014, when the second A-star was awarded.
The characters portrayed, from left to right; Timothy, Toby, Chime, Theo, Zeit, Kratos, Sabrina, Logan, Ulric, Jackie, and Levi.
Artist's Comments; This picture was drawn as a bit of a bonus for the members who were active at the time, and to replace the outdated banner found on the Member's Thread. The characters are seen standing on noticeably uneven ground since much of the area around the New Dens is sloped and grassy.
I tried to draw each individual character with as much accuracy as possible according to the human descriptions written by the role players on the Member's Thread. Intentionally I excluded all lines hinting at color and added only basic shading to give the characters more of a 'white-silhouette' appearance for them to stand out on a black background. 
Open for Critiques; Not currently. People are hard to critique individually, and I am already aware of the errors I made structurally. However, if you would still like to give me some helpful advice, I'm open to suggestions.

::Story Gallery::
Legend of the White wolf / Guardians of the Forest -- Written by Soar (#6406), concerning a story of legend passed down by Pack Member Theo's former tribe.

If you are a member and would like to have one of your pieces displayed here for the perusing of others, please message Alpha Kratos.


More images coming soon, including the following;
A reference of the New Den buildings,
A map of the nearby town Reknab,
More gallery pieces,
Added content,
Mapping of character plot positions

Archive: Member Thread & Rules

Welcome to the Werewolf member thread! 
Here is where you can find records of all the werewolf clan members and status about them. We also have a list of our active pack Role plays here.

Each member is obligated to fill out this form and post it here before being able to role play with the other members:
You MUST already have purchased a Werewolf character in order to post here

Blood Line:
Human Description:
How they came to join the pack:

"Blood Line" is referring to what generation werewolf your character is. Pure bred, Half bred, or First generation.

-Those who are born to a werewolf parent and a human parent are called "Half-breeds" and they seem to have easier control over their werewolf form. 

-Those who are born to two werewolf parents are known as "Pure Breeds" and have medium control over their werewolf forms.

-Those who have been bitten by a werewolf and are infected are called "First Generation" and their abilities are very difficult to control.

You are allowed to choose which blood line you want for character.
(For more information regarding blood lines, please see the FAQ section on the "Werewolf Guide and Gallery" thread.)

Also, you may choose to role play your character joining the pack, or just have them already as a member. You are allowed to edit that part in when you have figured it out (but you must add it, so don't forget). If how your character came to join the pack includes another member, please check with that character's owner before you add him/her into your story.
If I ask you to change/edit anything in your form, then please do so.

If you do not submit a character form then you will not be allowed to role play with us.
The status of your character must be viewable to all other members for needed information about your character which otherwise may not be known for dueling and other purposes.


The founders of this clan are as following:

Alpha: Kratos~ Male (played by May #10472)

1st Beta: Zeit~ Female (played by Hour Glass #15099)

2nd Beta: Kale~ Female (played by Kale #66766)
1st Gamma: Kiton~ Male (played by Zer0 #8491) 
2nd Gamma: Marcus~ Male (played by Celeus #1558)
3rd Gamma: Sabrina~ Female (played by Kaqurei #1112)

Here are the clan's positions and their current holders:

High ranks:

Territory Patrol Captain:

Deputy Territory Patrol:

Peace SoldierHawkThorne.
Deputy Peace Soldier:
Lead Hunter
Lead ScoutTheo.
Head Guardsman
Petty RankKaleb.
Common Ground:
Den Guardians:
Lowest Ranks:

Positions can be claimed by scheduling a member duel with the Alpha. Go to the Werewolf Dueling Thread for more information. 

For some of the Higher ranks, Apprentices can be chosen and trained by the current holder to fill the position in the future. But to choose an apprentice, it is required that the current holder of the rank has held it for some time and at least fought to maintain the rank twice. 

When the current holder decides to hand the rank to their apprentice, the rank is opened up for other werewolves in the pack to challenge the apprentice for a chance to claim the rank. (Better have taught em well! ;D)

Rules for role play and character conduct purposes:

You are obligated to follow the rules below as well as the rules on the Werewolf Auction Thread. You are also obligated to follow Mweor's general terms of service as well as the rules above the boards on the chat page (found here).

-No offensive or vulgar content will be allowed.

-Characters may have relationships, but sexual behavior is not permitted under any circumstance.

1# Please try to post one paragraph. Advice: Be descriptive and your post will be longer.

2# As fights are inevitable when a werewolf is trying for a rank, I want it to be clear that you can't Powerplay. That means you can say where your character was directing the hit, but only your opponent can say whether the hit landed or not.

3# I ask that there is no "Godmoding" from your characters. Like I said above, only your opponent can say whether the hit landed or not, but that doesn't mean the opponent can be 'Untouchable'. Advice: Be realistic, think about the hit that has been thrown your way and post a believable verdict.

4# Take into consideration the size and ability of your opponent when fighting.

5# Use proper spelling and punctuation. Otherwise the rest of us won't be able to understand you, thus unable to respond and ultimately you will be ignored.
6# No profanity or offensive language.
7# I reserve the right to dismiss anyone from the Auctions or Role plays without address or cause. Anyone banned from the role play or auction, will not be allowed to continue posting there and will not be allowed to harass any of the other players. Anyone found harassing other players will be reported to a mod and dealt with accordingly.

~If you find anyone violating these rules, please notify Alpha Kratos #10472 so that I may make a decision about the offender. Thank you.~

Recent Role play threads:

Below is a list of the packs active role play threads, including both those of the main plot line and threads started by our members.

Main plot line: 

~~Previous threads~~

Founders only: 


Side plots: 

None currently

~~Previous side-plots~~

Member's plots: 

NONE yet

If you are a member and would like to start a "Character story thread", please message Alpha Kratos.